Self Cleaning Litter Box

The cat saga continues at my house.  This time I have some exciting news!!!  A New Self Cleaning Litter Box!!  Y’all I am so damn excited I can’t see straight.  And I bet you cannot even guess where I bought it from……TEMU

We have always had a cat in the house.  I would love more than ever if I could get them toilet trained, or to be able to go outside and potty.  But neither of those things have happened yet. 

I am horrible at cleaning out litter boxes.  I despise it with ever bit of my being.  I had looked at getting one before, but they are a little pricey.  Thank goodness for programs where you can pay that stuff out. 

I finally bite the bullet and ordered it.  It did not take very long to get here either.  It is a little heavy, and I can only imagine how heavy it is with litter in it, but I don’t plan on carrying it with me anywhere.

If you haven’t checked out my channel on YouTube, Crazy M.A.D Red, I suggest you go over there and like, subscribe, and share.  I have the whole thing on there.  But for those of you are more interested in just reading I am going to somewhat outline it for you.

This thing was actually very easy to put together, except I had trouble with the aromatherapy box….more on that in a minute.

The legs are in the Styrofoam that surrounded the body of the box along with a little box looking thing.   The four legs have little spots that hook up like a computer would.  Don’t ask me what those things are called.  They connect to sensors that weigh the cats.  Pretty cook if you ask me.  They are a little tight to get in, but you want to make sure they are snug in there or it will not work.

To take out the litter dispense box, I had to remove the cover.  LOTS OF TAPE.  Once you get the cover off, there is a box and bags in the dispense box.  I am not sure what is in the box, but we will look later. 

I take the dispense box and put a liner in it.  It says do not let it bulge.  It’s definition of bulge and mine may be completely different.  I did my best not to let it happen though.  Once I have the liner in place, I put this box where it is suppose to go underneath. 

After replacing the top, I laid it on its side to put the aromatherapy thing in.  This was that little box that was with the legs in the styrofoam.  Now, all the instructions said to insert it in the slot.  This does not sound difficult.  WRONG.  It said to snap it in.  It did not snap in.  At least I could not figure out how to snap it in.

After much debate with myself, I just laid it in there and shut the compartment.  Who knows if it will even help.  Cat shit is the worst smell.

I thought the other box that was in the dispense pan may be a bigger aromatherapy box that would actually snap, it was just two white things.  I thought maybe they were holders for the trash bags it came with.

I’ve been reading the instructions on this things, but am I paying attention to what it actually says….nope.  Until, I figure out those white things are actually steps for the cats.  I forgot on the picture it showed steps.  Duh.

I get the cord all ready, take it into the laundry room where I keep the litter boxes, and plug it in.  It took me a minute to figure out how to connect it to WiFi.  Yes, this thing connects to WiFi and had an app and everything. 

Once I get it all hooked up, put the litter mat and steps in front of it, all I need is a cat to use it.  Leroy was not so sure about it.  This worried me a little bit.  Chicken and Goose used it though so hopefully Leroy will come around.  He definitely is interested in it.

So far I love this thing.  I have attached a link to it at Temu if you have cats and want one for yourself.  I do get a small proceed from purchases as an affiliate.  I would not include the link if I didn’t like the product.  And like I said, so far I love this thing. 

Thank you Temu for helping to make my life a little easier.

Here is a link to my storefront on Temu!! These are all products that I have tried. Let me know in the comments which you want to see….