Temu for the Win
Y’all, there is no hiding the fact that I am a HUGE Temu fan. Why? Because I can afford it. The stuff is usually exactly what I order, most of the time great quality.
If you are not getting my crafting prototypes, you are getting something from Temu, Amazon, or Shein for Christmas. It is about the only way I can do it. Now granted, if it is something name brand, I usually order it from Amazon. But if you just want a 40 oz tumbler, Temu has some awesome ones and they work just as well, if not better, than a Stanley.
There is also no hiding the fact that I hate going out in public to shop. I find it depressing, and every time I am out I see people I either do not care to see (Sorry, but I am a little anti-social), or peoples behaviors sometimes just irritate the crap out of me. So when it comes to Christmas, I do all my shopping online, or I make it all.
Today I am going to focus on some Temu stuff I got in. When you get on their website, they have a play and earn section. Well, I decided to try it out and see how it works. I never intended on actually getting anything.
I tried the ones where you have to share with people. If you are like me, I will not click on things people send me like that. I’m always leery of them. And everyone I knew already had the app and had been ordering from there for a while. I am always a little late to the newest trends.
I could never get my 5 free gifts. But I did find another little game they have called Farmland and Fishland. So I thought I would give them a go. Here is how they work:
When you go in, you have to water wheat crops. You get water from purchasing or sharing the link. Well, we all know how sharing goes for me. But it was right before my grandbaby was born, so I had some stuff I needed to buy on there. You can pick 3 free gifts on the Farmland. Basically you water the crops to to earn “money” toward your free gifts. You can get water for the crops by making purchases, opening chest, and feed and water the dog. They have small games and challenges at the bottom where you can win water as well.
At first you are racking up the money and it looks like you are going to reach that 100% really quick. But then it nearly stops. Once you get to 80% the game slows down significantly. When you water your crops, it takes longer and longer for them to mature. Every day I would go in and get whatever water bonus I could, and get as far as I could. I thought by feeding the dog the 3 times a day would land me a large amount of water….it didn’t.
Because I was not spending much, and I refused to spend much, I never thought I would see the big payout. I pretty much gave up on it for a while. But then Christmas rolled around. I was spending a LOT at Temu. I decided to go back into Farmland to see if I had gotten any water from all those purchases. Boy did I. I think I missed out on some because I think you have to claim the water within a certain amount of time, but don’t quote me on that.
I became a avid waterer again. Every time I made a purchase I would check to make sure I got credit it water. I was a watering fool. By January 17, 2025, I had achieved 100%. I got my free gifts!!!! I had picked out a airbrush kit, 4 piece adjustable corner clamp set, and a retractable clothes drying rack. This all equaled out to be about $70 worth of gifts.
Granted, that is no where near what I have spent there. I have spent an ungodly amount of money at Temu. But at the same time there was a promotion in my inbox on my Temu account that said something about 5 free gifts. Well, now I am a sucker. I picked out my 5 free gifts. You had to buy $40 of merchandise in order to get it.
I needed paint for my new, FREE airbrush kit, and I needed a cleaner for it as well. There were a couple of other things I needed because of another project I want to do. SO I made the purchase. I wanted to see if it worked or not. Sure enough, it did!!. The stuff I got for free equaled out to be about $40 worth of free stuff. That made it like buy one get one free in girl math.
At the same time, it started me on my next round of Farmland. I have 2% to go to get my free stuff, and it is like molasses to get to that 100%, but I am not buying stuff much. But either way, it is a nice incentive to get free things after you spend money somewhere.
Fishland has the exact same concept as the Farmland. Except you are feeding fish for 5 free gifts. I started it when I started the first Farmland, and have yet to get the 100%. It doesn’t have the extra ways to earn fish food like Farmland does. I will let you know when I reach the goal.
Lets Review The Free Stuff
Retractable Clothes Hanger
So lets review my free stuff I got. The retractable clothes hanger. This thing is awesome. It is very big and extends out more. I wanted this because when I wash our comforters and some blankets, they do not dry all the way in the dryer. I get tired of them laying out through out the house. So I thought this would work perfect. And sure enough it does. An added bonus, it folds down to nearly nothing to stick in a corner and out of the way. It holds a lot of weight also. When we do our garage sale, I will have something to hang clothes out on, instead of trying to hang lines all throughout the garage.

Airbrush Kit
Now, I have not used the airbrush kit yet because I need to read on it, and I am not sure what I want to paint with it yet. I have never used a airbrush before, but have always wanted one. I mainly wanted one for cakes, but I have no clue how to use it on there either. I want to have a project in mind before I pull it out and really use it.

4 Piece Corner Clamps
The same goes for the 4 piece corner clamps. It is winter, and it has been very very cold. I have not wanted to go out in the barn to work on anything wood because it is freezing in there. Once it starts to warm up, I have several projects I need to do, and will pull them out then and review them.
Then there was the other 5 gifts I got. I got a 7 piece high speed steel saw blade set for my Dremel, a grape and cherry tomato slicer, a patchwork roller wheel knife, a set of 5 velvet hangers, and a 3 layer kitchen egg storage box.
If that list doesn’t tell you have incredibly random I am, I don’t know what will. I am seriously considering the fact that I really may have adult ADD. I won’t say ADHD, because the last thing I am is Hyper, I definitely have a problem with my attention.

Steel Saw Blades
The Steel Saw Blades I have not tried yet. On the description it said they will cut wood, plastic, and steel. Like I mentioned with the corner clamps, I am not going to go freeze my ass off in the barn. So as soon as it warms up I will give you an update.

Grape/Cherry Tomato Slicer
The grape slicer. Where was this item all my life?!?!?! I have always hated cutting grapes and cherry tomatoes. This thing is amazing. I had ordered a different one from Temu, and it sucked. It shot the grapes across the room. I will include a picture of it also just so you know what NOT to buy. But this one I got for free is AMAZING.

Patchwork Roller Wheel Knife
The patchwork roller wheel knife works like a dream. It is VERY sharp and cut as well as any rotary cutter would do. I am very pleased with it. It cut through several types of material with ease.

Velvet Hangers
Now, the velvet hangers are a double edge sword. When I saw it, the picture showed a set of 50. So I got really excited. When I got the package, it was 5. Not exactly what the picture showed. But I went back in and looked, and the description literally said “Set of 5.” Obviously I did not read it correctly. Or more like, I did not read the description at all. Either way, the 5 hangers I got are very nice and I like them a lot. I could not find the set of 5 so I am not including a link for them.
Kitchen Egg Storage Box
Lastly, the egg storage. Not this is probably the thing I am the most excited about. With chickens comes eggs. And mine do lay a lot from time to time. This is perfect for all those eggs when I am being lazy and don’t want to go grab cartons right away. Also, it will help me keep better track of the date on the eggs. I fully intend on buying more of these. They are not expensive at all. They run $4 a pop, but I want to get at least a weeks worth. Plus, they do not take up as much room on my counter as egg cartons do.

I have included links to all these products. I highly recommend all of these, and not because of me getting a commission on some of the sales. I will tell you if I do not like a product, and I will never link a product that I do not like. I will show you what it is, but will not link it.
I will post video of the full review on YouTube once I figure it out. hahahahaha. Believe me, I will let you know as soon as it is up.
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